SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台

2023年10月- 2024年1月

自学领导小组, 高级领导团队的几位成员, and select Working Group Leaders complete the MSCHE Self-Study Institute (SSI) Self-Study Leads team begins meeting on a bi-weekly basis Develop Self-Study timeline & design Select members of the Self-Study 指导委员会 Select members for the seven 工作小组…

2024年2月- 3月

Hold a 指导委员会 Kick Off meeting 指导委员会 Co-Chairs will meet individually with each of the Working Group Leaders Self-Study Leads team begins meeting on a by weekly basis

4月 - 2024年5月

提交自习时间表草案 & 设计到MSCHE联络处(至少在实地考察前两周:不迟于4月9日), 2024年4月23日,MSCHE联络处进行初步访问, 2024. 对MSCHE联络处提供的自学计划的反馈和编辑.

2024年6月- 8月

Draft Self-Study Design revised; Approval from MSCHE Liaison Documentation for 工作小组 assembled

2024年9月- 11月

工作小组 begin study and analysis Working Group Leaders report regularly at monthly 指导委员会 meetings Appropriate data and evidence collected, 根据需要分发和分析工作组最后期限#1 - 10月


工作小组 develop and submit annotated outline to 指导委员会 Working Group Deadline #2 – December


First draft of Self-Study due from 工作小组 to 指导委员会 Selection of Evaluation Team Chairperson by MSCHE Evaluation team visit date set for March/April 2026


Self-Study draft is assembled and structured for public comment Campus feedback on first draft of the Self-Study completed Working Group Deadline #3 – February



2025年5月- 6月


2025年7月- 9月


2025年9月- 11月

Final roster of Evaluation Team members prepared by MSCHE 指导委员会 Co-Chairs prepare second draft of Final Self-Study Second draft of Final Self-Study submitted to Evaluation Team Chairperson Preliminary campus visit by Evaluation Team Chairperson


Preparation of Final Self-Study report based on feedback from Evaluation Team Chairperson Arrangements finalized for hosting all Evaluation Team Members






Institutional response to Evaluation Team findings submitted to MSCHE MSCHE Committee meeting to discuss findings Formal action taken by MSCHE and notifications sent to campus Celebration for 指导委员会 and Working Group members and college community


中部州标志中部州高等教育委员会(MSCHE), 由美国教育部(USDE)认可, 作为高等教育领域的独立权威机构.

“认证 is a process of peer review that the educational community has adopted for its self-regulation since early in the 20th century. It is a voluntary process intended to strengthen and sustain the quality and integrity of higher education, 使其值得公众信任. 院校选择申请认可资格, 一旦获得认证, they agree to abide by the standards of their accrediting organization and to regulate themselves by taking responsibility for their own 改进.” (2010, 中部州高等教育委员会)



该机构的使命确定了其在高等教育背景下的目的, 它所服务的学生, 以及它想要实现的目标. 的 institution’s stated goals are clearly linked to its mission and specify how the institution fulfills its mission.


道德和正直是核心, 不可缺少的, 并定义有效的高等教育机构的标志. 在所有活动中, 无论是内部还是外部, 一个机构必须忠于自己的使命, 履行合同和承诺, 坚持其政策, 真实地表现自己.


An institution provides students with learning 经历 that are characterized by rigor and coherence at all program, 证书, 以及学位水平, 无论教学方式如何. 所有学习经历, 不管形式如何, 程序速度/时间表, 水平, 并且设置符合高等教育的期望.


所有的教育经历, 设置, 水平, 以及教学模式, 该机构招收和录取有兴趣的学生, 能力, 经历, 目标与它的使命和教育产品是一致的. 该机构致力于留住学生, 持久性, 完成, and success through a coherent and effective support system sustained by qualified professionals, 哪些提高了学习环境的质量, 有助于教育经验, 促进学生的成功.


Assessment of student learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution’s students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, 学历水平, 该机构的使命, 以及对高等教育机构的适当期望.


机构的规划过程, 资源, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill its mission and goals, 不断评估和改进其项目和服务, 有效应对机遇和挑战.


的 institution is governed and administered in a manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, 学生, 以及它所服务的其他选区. 即使是由相关实体支持或附属于相关实体, 该机构以教育为主要目的, 它作为一个学术机构运作,拥有适当的自主权.



“认证 is a process of peer review that the educational community has adopted for its self-regulation since early in the 20th century. It is a voluntary process intended to strengthen and sustain the quality and integrity of higher education, 使其值得公众信任. 院校选择申请认可资格, 一旦获得认证, they agree to abide by the standards of their accrediting organization and to regulate themselves by taking responsibility for their own 改进.” (2010, 中部州高等教育委员会)


认证意味着质量和卓越的标准已经达到. 的 core principles for universities accredited by the 中部州高等教育委员会 (MSCHE) include the diversity of institutions, 关注学生的学习体验, 重视机构评估和学生学习评估, 不断完善和创新制度.

认证 is required for campuses to be eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

自学也可以为改进和创新提供重要的建议, 他们都是由机构自我认定的, 并由来访的同行评审小组推荐.


学生的成功是我们的首要任务, Genesee Community College is committed to continually work to improve its educational programs, 资源, 设施, 和服务. 重新认证包括对学院的课程进行广泛的评估, 资源, 设施和服务履行其使命,促进学生的成功.

重新认证过程每8年进行一次, 包括两个阶段的评估:全校范围的自学, 还有一组专家的现场评估来自 中部州高等教育委员会(MSCHE). 的 reaccreditation process is an opportunity to assess the extent to which we are accomplishing the shared vision of our institution and serves as a point of departure for charting the future direction of GCC and 建立对 更美好的校园社区.


GCC的 战略计划 概述院校的使命、愿景、价值观、承诺和目标.


的 中部州高等教育委员会(MSCHE)是一个自愿会员制协会,它“定义了, 维护, 并促进具有不同使命的机构的卓越教育, 学生的数量, 和资源.“作为参与机构,海合会每8年进行一次自学.


麻省理工学院的代表将与教师举行一系列信息交流会, 工作人员和学生,以获得他们对GCC在各个领域的表现的反馈. 海湾合作委员会的五个校园中心也将参加.

的 MCHE Team evaluates the analysis in the Self-Study Report and draws on insights gained from their visit interviews. Since the Self-Study Report and On-Site Evaluation 访问 result from careful analysis that has incorporated feedback from multiple stakeholders, the Report has the potential to influence institutional decision making for several years.


根据MSCHE, “委员会的认证程序确保了机构问责制, 自我评估, 改进, and innovation through peer review and the rigorous application of standards within the context of institutional mission.”

自习应该是对机构的诚实评价, 这是证据驱动的, 并始终如一地演示评估的使用(贯穿每个标准或章节). It provides an opportunity to engage multiple stakeholders in an extensive analysis of the college’s strengths and areas for 改进 and innovation.

证据清单, 已编目并可参考的文件目录, 流程, 和程序, provides opportunity for the institution to develop sustainable 资源 that the college should continuously update to document ongoing compliance.